Our New Barn Fundraising is On-Going!

New Barn Campaign – Ever After Mustang Rescue is a nonprofit organization that rescues and rehabilitates previously adopted mustangs and either transitions them to new homes and useful lives, or offers life-time care to un-adoptable horses.

The new barn plans address and resolve the issues we are now facing, like leaks in the roof, rotting sills and structural deficiencies of the existing barn, which was built the early 1980s. It also provides for the growth and development we have experienced since our beginnings. See below for more details.

The new barn plans address and resolve the issues we are now facing, like leaks in the roof, rotting sills and structural deficiencies of the existing barn, which was built the early 1980s. It also provides for the growth and development we have experienced since our beginnings.

  • Trailers can be backed up to a new receiving wash/examining stall to safely unload a newly admitted horse. This stall has direct access to a quarantine stall or a 20’x20′ holding/handling stall depending on need. Both will have access to an outdoor turnout for exercise or relaxation, and safe transfer to a training area within the 40′ center isle.
  • The wash/treatment area will have hot and cold water, wash sink, cabinetry for supplies and allow for veterinary exams and treatments. Refrigeration and a heated cabinet are included to keep medications at proper temperature. As well as meeting present needs, this provides for future programs for veterinarian technicians and pre-veterinarian programs.
  • The 40′ wide center isle is spacious enough for training, “hands on clinics” and existing and future programs, demonstrations and evaluations.
  • There is also 20 10×12′ stalls in the wings of this barn, providing some privacy and protection to the horses. They are easily assessable and have clear routes to turnout.
  • This barn connects the two existing buildings, so all is under one cover.
  • The second floor offers classroom space for students, programs, etc. Space is planned to allow an observation area to the indoor riding ring.
  • This plan met our priority of allowing maximum natural light, warmth and ventilation with placement of numerous windows and cupola. Not to mention a first floor heated bathroom for volunteers and the public, located just behind the receiving/wash/examining stall.